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Nous commercialisons des bondillons de savon Bio certifiés par Ecocert (Certificat et fiche technique en pièce jointe).
Nous sommes à la recherche d’huiles végetales Bio (Palme, Copra etc..) destinées à la fabrication de ces bondillons (Quantités par 10/20 MT).
Nous commercialisons des bondillons de savon Bio certifiés par Ecocert (Certificat et fiche technique en pièce jointe).
Nous sommes à la recherche d’huiles végetales Bio (Palme, Copra etc..) destinées à la fabrication de ces bondillons (Quantités par 10/20 MT).
We are in the process of launching our new Spring / Summer collection for our brand \"G\'nezy\".
We are based in France and primarily cater to the French market.
I would need some more information on the following subjects.
• First, I would like to know all the fabrics that you deal with (organic & innovative).
• Do you manufacture woven or knitted fabrics?
• Do you manufacture denim?
• What are the certifications that your organization holds (GOTS, Oekotex, etc…)?
• What are your minimum order quantities?
• Do you already export to Europe and if yes, to which companies?
Please find attached our collection plan and the technical sheets for our forthcoming collection. If you could please provide us with a quotation for the same it will help us take business further faster.
Hope to hear from you soon.
Thanks & Regards
We are in the process of launching our new Spring / Summer collection for our brand \"G\'nezy\".
We are based in France and primarily cater to the French market.
I would need some more information on the following subjects.
• First, I would like to know all the fabrics that you deal with (organic & innovative).
• Do you manufacture woven or knitted fabrics?
• Do you manufacture denim?
• What are the certifications that your organization holds (GOTS, Oekotex, etc…)?
• What are your minimum order quantities?
• Do you already export to Europe and if yes, to which companies?
Please find attached our collection plan and the technical sheets for our forthcoming collection. If you could please provide us with a quotation for the same it will help us take business further faster.
Hope to hear from you soon.
Thanks & Regards